Nikon 180mm ED lens
QSI 683ws
50mm guide scope and SSAG
Balance Nikon lens and guide scope in vertical position by moving the side by side adapter plate side to side (same as 80mm EON):
Then balance the Nikon lens/QSI and guide scope in the horizontal position by moving the Nikon lens forward or backward:
2" extension ring
QSI 683ws
Counter weight and 50mm guide scope all the way forward on adapter plates:
Balance in RA and DEC axis
Imaging with an 80mm EON, 50mm guide scope with SSAG guiding camera mounted on a side by side bar.
Orion 80mm EON with all wires bound with velcro straps and draping off side at DEC axis:
Balance DEC axis with imaging and guide scope in vertical position by moving the adapter plate (which is attached to the mount) side to side:
Balance Imaging scope and guide scope by moving either scopes forward or backward:
Then balance in RA axis by moving counter weight.