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Taken 17-Mar-15
Visitors 1205

13 of 49 photos
Photo Info

Dimensions5603 x 3988
Original file size64 MB
Image typeTIFF
Color spacesRGB
Date modified17-Mar-15 15:26
IC 410 the Tadpole in Hubble palette

IC 410 the Tadpole in Hubble palette

IC 410 an emission nebula about 12,000 light-years from Earth in the constellation Auriga. Near the center of the nebulous region is a star cluster ( NGC 1893) and just to the bottom right of this cluster lies two structures that resemble tadpoles. These structures are made of leftover hydrogen and dust from the formation of the star cluster and the "tails" are from the solar wind coming from the stars of NGC 1893.

Imaged from Ocala, Florida through Ha, OIII and SII filters and processed using Hubble palette, assigning SII to RED, OIII to BLUE and Ha to GREEN.
20 minute exposures combined to a total of:
3 hours Ha (binned 1x1)
2 hours and 20 min OIII (binned 1x1)
2 hours and 20 min SII (binned 1x1)
Processed in Photoshop using Hubble palette
Imaging telescope: Astro-Tech 8" Ritchey-Chrétien
Imaging camera: QSI 683 wsg-8
Losmandy G-11 with Gemini II german equatorial mount

**This image can also be seen as featured by Amateur Astronomer Catches Cosmic ‘Tadpoles’ in Celestial Sea (Photo).” Best Night Sky Photos of the Week: Dec. 15, 2013, Spectacular Night Sky Photos by Stargazers: December 2013 (Gallery), YahooNews and Sky and Telescope Gallery: March 2014.