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Taken 18-Aug-14
Visitors 456

1 of 114 photos
Photo Info

Dimensions2492 x 2520
Original file size524 KB
Image typeJPEG
Color spacesRGB
Date modified18-Aug-14 09:42


M106 is a Spiral galaxy in Canes Venatici ~23.7 million light years from Earth.
Imaged February 15, 16, 28 and March 1, 2014 from Ocala, FL.
1 hours 6 min each RGB
3 hours and 40 min Luminance
2 hours and 20 min Ha
Processed in Photoshop CS5
Imaging camera: QSI 683 wsg-8
Imaging telescope: Astro-Tech 8" Richey-Chretien
Losmandy G-11 with Gemini II