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Taken 3-Jun-12
Visitors 673

11 of 114 photos
Photo Info

Dimensions2361 x 1773
Original file size14.4 MB
Image typePNG
Color spacesRGB
M64 the Blackeye galaxy

M64 the Blackeye galaxy

Constellation Coma Berenices
Imaged April 27 and May 18, 2012
Ocala, FL
QSI 683ws
Astrodon Tru-balance E-Series Generation II LRGB
Orion 50mm guide scope with SSAG
Luminance 360sec images binned 2x2 (27 subs with IDAS filter
RGB 240sec images binned 2x2 (3 subs each)
Images acquired with Nebulosity, stacked with DSS and processed in PS CS5