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Taken 10-May-15
Visitors 989
4 of 23 photos

M81 and M82 Bode's galaxy and Cigar galaxy widefield

M81/M82 Bode's galaxy and Cigar galaxy
Constellation: Ursa Major
~11.8 million light years distant
The galaxy center is active with high rate of star formation caused by the gravitational effect from nearby spiral galaxy, M81.
Ocala, FL and Chiefland, Florida
RGB 6 min subs for a total of 1 hour each channel
Luminance (with IDAS LP filter) combination of 4 min, 6 min and 10 min subs totaling 6 hours and 16 min
Ha 15 min subs for a total of 1 hour

Additional 30, 15 and 6 minute subs in Luminance added from Chiefland, Florida totaling 4 hours

Photoshop CS5 CS5
Imaging telescope: Orion 80mm EON
Imaging camera: QSI 683 wsg-8
Losmandy G-11 with Gemini II

M81 and M82 Bode's galaxy and Cigar galaxy widefield