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Taken 31-Jan-15
Visitors 843
13 of 35 photos

NGC 281 the Pac Man nebula

NGC 281 the Pac Man nebula (FOV 118 x 154 arcmin)
Emission nebula in the constellation of Cassiopeia
RGB data captured on October 29 and 31, 2011
H-Alpha data captured on November 1 and November 2, 2011
Ocala, FL
RGB data: Combination of 60 sec, 120 sec and 180 sec. exposure stacked in DSS for a total of 4 hour 7 min with 10 minute
H-Alpha data: 10 minute exposure stacked in DeepSkyStacker for a total of 2 hours and 10 min.
PhotoShop CS5
Orion 80mm EON
Orion 50mm guide scope with SSAG
Canon T1i (modified)
Losmandy G11 with Gemini II
Hutech IDAS Light Pollution Suppression (LPS) Filter
Astronomic 6nm H-Alpha clip filter for Canon EOS

Additional data adding detail to the inner nebula was accomplished using an Astro-Tech 8 inch Ritchey-Chretien telescope (Ha data) and Explore Scientific 127mm CF APO (RGB)
Imaging camera: QSI 683wsg-8
Ha data 3 hours
RGB data 40 min each Red, Green and Blue channel binned 2x2

NGC 281 the Pac Man nebula